Bibi’s Brilliant UN Speech Right as Israel Took Out Nasrallah

by Phil Schneider

Has Israel ever had a leader as effective as Benjamin Netanyahu? If this is his closing act, or part of his closing act, Bibi will certainly go down in Israeli and world history as one of the greatest chess players in the history of the battle between freedom and darkness, between truth and lies, and between life and death. What a way to end out a long career. But nothing seems to indicate that Bibi Netanyahu plans to step down any time soon. 

Unlike Donald Trump, the mass opposition in Israel who oppose Benjamin Netanyahu are not disgusted by him. They are scared of his popularity that seems to become more and more rock solid as time goes along. This frustrates them to no end. It is possible that much of his popularity is not just due to Netanyahu himself. The electorate in Israel has shifted, and so has Netanyahu along with the Israeli electorate. Plain and simple, the ideology of the left has crumbled in the face of barbaric radical Islamic terrorism. All of the leaders of Israel’s left have been proven wrong time and again. 

Remember that Netanyahu was barely elected in 1996 and then lost his first reelection bid in 1999 to Ehud Barak. Netanyahu did not return to the leadership of the country for around 8 years. But since then, he has nearly always had a lock on the doors to the Prime Minister’s residence. Plain and simple, enough of the people in Israel trust him with their security more than anyone else, so he keeps getting reelected. 

Netanyahu has never received more than 50% of the vote outside of the 1996 election when he squeaked out the election against the far more experienced Shimon Peres. Since then, in every election that he won, he has consistently built coalition governments that have placed him in the driver’s seat. Sometimes he has had less than 25% of the electorate behind him, but he still managed to cobble together the coalition government. He has proven himself to be a master political genius.

But he seems to always be ten steps ahead of everyone else in terms of how he plans his next steps in Israeli politics. That is why October 7th was such a gut-punch for so many people in Israel. So many people relied on Israel’s leadership to keep the unfathomable from occurring. It seems that Netanyahu was also caught napping. Unfortunately, he is absolutely partially responsible for the tragedies that Israel endured on that fateful day. But he is also part of the reason that Israel is in the midst of insuring a prosperous and peaceful future for many years ahead by taking out it’s major nemesis, Nasrallah and Hizbullah. 

The Middle East will never be the same when Israel finishes the total destruction of the Iranian threats to Israel’s south and north. Netanyahu’s speech in the UN will be remembered as an historic moment when a brilliant leader boldly stood up and represented the pride of the Jewish Nation in the UN in a way that no other Jewish leader ever has.   

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