Hamas sends 8-year-old boys into Israel with knife

by Leah Rosenberg

The Gaza border has been making the news recently. But will this story ever make it to the mainstream media? Probably not.

The Gaza Border

The Gaza border is a heated zone. Hamas has been firing rockets at Israel, sending explosives, fire kites, and more. But the only thing that makes the headlines is Israel’s “disproportionate” responses. It is absurd that anyone claims that! Terrorists try to kill Israelis and destroy Israel, and when Israel responds with any amount of force, the word goes wild.

But what does the world say when Hamas sends 8-year-old children across the border with a knife? Nothing. It is child abuse! You can see in this video that these children are petrified. It is so sad what they are forced to do.

The IDF’s Response

The young boys were sent in to provoke the IDF. The world wants to see how the Israelis respond. They want to catch them doing something bad to Palestinian Arab children. But what did the IDF actually do? They gave the scared boys water. They treated them with dignity. The Israeli soldiers safely returned them back to Gaza. The IDF does not want to be aggressive. They do not want war. You can see from this video the true face of the Israel Defense Forces.

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