Goal Of War Should Be To Liberate Gaza

by David Mark

When people look back at the Hamas attack in Israel that occurred on the 7th of October, they will mark it as the end of the “Land for Peace” concept.

The Disengagement was seen by the leftist elite as the culmination o the Land for peace concept that was foisted on Begin during peace talks with Egypt over the Sinai.

Most of us on the right warned that the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza, (which saw Israel uproot more than 8,000 Jews from their homes in Gaza), would result in a terror state that would cause ongoing bloodshed and terror throughout Israel. This is exactly what has happened over the years since the Disengagement.

Now with this unspeakable slaughter of Jews – the most since the Holocaust, the Land for Peace concept should be rendered over. This “experiment” that the left wrought on the country, through control of the media, courts and the upper echelon of the army needs to be finally shattered.

Middle Eastern culture has only one language – strength and power.

In order to send a true message, the Israeli government must directly confront the demons of the past and retake all of Gaza, liberating Jewish land it took away. Israel also needs to obliterate all Jihadists from Gaza as well as supporting UNWRA facilities that have been used to Nazify the Arab population there.

There is a certain “freeing of one’s mind” that the bulk of Israeli society has had to go through since the Disengagement. This war appears to be the Israeli public’s final release from its Leftist Deep State and shadow regime, which brought this upon the people of Israel.

What of the Arab Population?

The solution is simple – move them. There is not place for any sort of Jihadist Nazi culture in the Land of Israel. Those that are not direct fighters can pick Egypt to move to – after all most of them can trace their roots to Egypt. Those that are Jihadist Nazis should be killed on the spot.

None of this will be easy, but it is ultimately the only to restore our safety, sanity, and bring true justice.

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