From Dinner to Invasion: An Inside Look at Hezbollah’s Planned Attack on Israel

by Phil Schneider

Except for a few dozen female Israeli soldiers who did their job scoping out the Southern border and warned their superiors that they were spotting very suspicious movements on the Gaza side, the vast majority of the Israeli Army and political leadership were taken by surprise on October 7th. The cost was more than 1,200 civilians and more than 200 soldiers and police who fought bravely to stem the flood of thousands of terrorists from Gaza into Israel’s south. 

On Israel’s Northern border, the situation was far worse. The Hizbullah had been preparing for a massive armed battle against Israel while they rained down tens of thousands of missiles on Israel’s North. But Israel’s unbelievable beeper operation surprised the entire leadership of the Hizbullah and basically decapitated and freaked out the Hizbullah so as to nullify an effective fight against Israel. 

Now it is becoming crystal clear to what extent the border of Israel in it’s North has been porous with terror tunnels leading from the neighboring Arab villages into Israel – right under the border fence. The Hizbullah plan was to invade Israel’s North just as in Gaza the plan was to invade the South and wreak havoc. Luckily for Israel, Hamas and Hizbullah did not coordinate well. Otherwise, it would have been even worse than it was on October 7th.

There exists a massive consensus in Israel about battling against the Hizbullah in the North and insuring that Israel’s northern residents no longer need to live under the fear of massive shelling or a tunnel being dug underneath their village. That is why the endgame in Lebanon will not be Israel walking out of Lebanon’s battle theatre. Israel will not take over more than around 10-20 miles from it’s Northern border. But it will absolutely not allow terrorists to build up right under the nose of Israeli villages anymore. A safety zone is absolutely vital. 

That is what happens when more than 80% of the State of Israel is unified on an issue. In the sphere of Gaza, there will be much political debate. But in the end, it will become clear to the minority in Israel who are scared of a Jewish resettlement of Gaza that Israel simply has no choice. Hold on and resettle Gaza or be bombed and attacked for the umpteenth time by a brand new baby terrorist state. 

Once and for all, it seems that Israel’s leadership is finally learning the hard way what so many have been saying for decades. Appeasing terrorists just breeds more terror. Killing them and taking any land used as a platform for launching terror attacks is the ONLY language that is understood by terrorists and serves as an effective deterrent. 


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