Football Becomes “Holy” in the Holy Land

by Leah Rosenberg

You gotta love seeing football being played in the Holy Land of Israel! These guys are definitely passionate!

Football in the Holy Land of Israel

Just because people pick up their lives and move to their ancestral homeland, it doesn’t mean that they have to give up everything from their previous homes! Some people love football. And although in Israel football usually means what American soccer is, there is also American football! This is how it’s done in the Holy Land!

It is amazing that people of all difference backgrounds can come together to form a team.

And really, that’s the story of the Jewish people. Jews from all different backgrounds and tribes coming together to form a team.

In the Bible, there are 12 tribes within the Jewish people. Today, most of us don’t know which tribe we belong to. But we do know that there are 12 different ones. And they all represented different things and had different personalities. We are not all supposed to be the same. G-d did not intend for every single one of His people to be exactly alike. He created the different tribes. We all have to respect each other, but we are not all the same nor should we be.

If only all Jews understood that. If only everyone realized that there are indeed different tribes with different purposes in the world. We would all be that much more understanding of each other. We would all be that much more accepting of our differences. There would be more love amongst all of us.

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