WATCH: This One Big Discovery In The Old City Is A Game Changer

by Micha Gefen

The Greek Orthodox Church has been battling against the sale of the Petra and Imperial hotels at the entrance to Jerusalem for nearly two decades.

The current patriarch has claimed that Jews are pushing Christians out of these properties. However, there is just one catch. The current Petra hotel was originally called the Amdursky – a kosher hotel owned by Jews all the way into the 1930s. Despite the historical truth, the Greek Patriarch Theophilos III continues to spread false information.

This barrage of accusations has continued unabated – spreading hate against the Jewish people.

Now that Jews have returned to the Amdursky (aka the Petra), real renovations on the run down hotel can commence. When inspecting one of the rooms, a worker found something truly amazing – a hole for a mezuza – proving it was a Jewish owned hotel, just as the records indicate.

Will the Greek Orthodox Church stop spreading hate and lies? Don’t expect a miracle.

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