I admit, when the coronavirus “pandemic” first started two years ago, I was a bit fearful for a few days. After all there were scary reports of mass deaths in Wuhan of upwards of 50,000 people. That sort of number was high enough to create a sort of domino effect into our thinking.
But the fear I had quickly dissipated when I did simple calculations. Wuhan has a population of 20 million people. This makes the mortality rate for coronavirus deaths .25% – meaning 99.75% of the people survive it. From that moment onward I stopped worrying about the coronavirus and all of its so called variants.
Yet, I am still worried. Not from the coronavirus – not at all. What I am worried about is the direction that governments are taking to erase our civil liberties in the name of “health.” Governments are tracking their citizens’ movement and now forcing citizens into COVID Camps which are essentially hotels where those admitted cannot leave.
In the Netherlands, a man was arrested on a flight for having a travel history that may open him up to getting COVID-19 and then brought to a COVID Camp. He did not have COVID-19, just was deemed as a possible inadvertent risk.
In Israel from this Friday onward, only those injected 3 times or those who are within 24 days of their first injection can get a green pass and a special wristband to enter malls.
Austria is putting people in jail or fining them for refusing to get vaccinated. Australia is building its own form of COVID Camps.
Instead of admitting that they overreacted from the beginning, politicians around the world continue to push vaccines as the only solution. These vaccines not only have not worked, they are now showing that they reduce our natural immune system in other areas. Yet, nations around the world, together with a compliant media are now pushing vaccines for children, even though data across the board shows that they are not necessary.
So what is the purpose of all of this? The merger of Big Pharma, Big Tech, media, and Big Government are quickly becoming an interwoven entity who answers to no one and yet wields unbelievable power over all of us. These entities are looking for complete control over all of us. From banking and medical decisions to food security and education, our rights are being eroded on the back of COVID fear. All of this is based on a “pandemic” that has a 99.8 percent survival rate.
The good thing is that more and more people are realizing the truth. There is growing resistance across the world over the draconian measures taken by compromised leaders and the imposition of a vaccine that is more about profit margins and medical control than preventing the spread of the coronavirus.
With our world quickly turning into the very dystopian sci-fi movie we assumed was only imaginary, the only thing we can do is to continue resisting the curbs of our liberties, while spreading truth and unity to the rest of the world.