Protests Growing In Israel Against COVID Rules

by Gavriel Dan

As more information comes out clearly showing that the vaccine has little impact on the spread and impact of COVID-19, Israelis mainly on the left are increasing their protests against the government’s strict policies concerning the unvaccinated and the general Green Pass system.

There has always been a small anti-government movement in Israel. Through the years this movement has switched its home between the left and right and so it has not found the legs to grow beyond sectoral interests. Yet, the government’s draconian policies concerning COVID-19 has propelled the freedom movement beyond sectoral issues.

Protests in Tel Aviv have brought together left and right – secular and religious in a way nothing else could have. And as the Bennett-Lapid government shows no signs in easing restrictions, these protests are now growing. Comments like those of Nachman Ash, the coronavirus tzar, who claimed that the 3rd shot was responsible for the stopping of the 4th wave, while in reality less than 40% of the country got the 3rd shot are making it easy for those opposing forced vaccinations and divisive public health policies to gather support among the broader populace.

Far too many people who got the 3rd shot are getting sick for the government to use the vaccine as their main weapon against the coronavirus, a pandemic made far more powerful by social media and a susceptible fear filled populace. While Bennett is trying to find ways to keep his unruly coalition together, it may be his COVID-19 policies that bring him down as well as the entire state system.

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