Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel

by Avi Abelow

Too many people are ignoring the radical plan to change the USA from a nation of traditional values – God, family, and hard work – to a dangerous neo-Marxist, gender and ethnically confused reality that sees the land of the free as an evil force in the world.

This leftist-marxist agenda is not in play just in the USA, but across the West and in Israel as well.

In his new book, “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel,” author David Rubin boldly identifies the critical, existential challenges facing America, and, most importantly, provides the necessary solutions, direct from the Biblical heartland of Israel.

David Rubin has been called “The Trusted Voice of Israel” and appears as a frequent commentator on Fox News, Newsmax TV, One America News, and many other TV and radio networks. A former mayor of Shiloh, Israel and founder of the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, Rubin has written seven books including The Islamic Tsunami, Peace for Peace, and Trump and the Jews.

In the book, Rubin traces how Sixties radicals decided to replace the system by taking over the system, going mainstream in the Seventies by joining the “Me Generation,” where they prospered in academia, education and the corporate world.

They began pushing their agenda as far back as the Jimmy Carter administration, a far left transformation of the Democratic Party that bore fruit with the ascendancy of former radical Chicago organizer Barack Obama to the White House, where he sought out staff who shared a similar outlook.

The Biden presidency, which he called “Obama, part two,” is steering the country down the same dangerous leftward path. With his health issues “Biden doesn’t seem to be in control” of the administration, he said, which is full of Obama associates.

Rubin explained that he’s worried about the future of the United States not just as a former American who is now an outside observer but also as an Israeli.

The radical left is staunchly anti-Israel. Rubin sees big problems ahead for Israel if America keeps heading in the same direction.

He hasn’t given up hope however. But he said that a nation needs to be able to learn from its successes and its failures in order to pave a righteous path forward.

Rubin sees many lessons from the long history of the Jewish people and Israel that can serve to help guide America back onto the right course.

Israel has “learned from our successes but also learned from our mistakes,” he said.

Click here to purchase the book.

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