Pete Hegseth is no stranger to the Land of Israel. He has been to Israel and toured the Holy Land extensively, and he knows his history. Yes, his passion is certainly connected to the United States Military. But boy does he have a deep connection with the State of Israel and all that it represents. Moreover, as opposed to most career politicians who are scared to say it like it is, Hegseth sees things that are clear as day and says it like it is. Check out his line from the confirmation when he boldly declares what he thinks the policy ought to be with Hamas supporters in Gaza.
Yes, Hegseth has never managed a massive bureaucracy like the Defense Department. True, he is not a career military man despite his years of service in Iraq and Afghanistan. But that is probably why Donald Trump likes him. He is looking for a man to clean up the mess that has become the Defense establishment in the United States.
What very few people know is that on 9/10, right before the attack on 9/11, then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was on the cusp of making major changes in the Defense establishment of the United States. He had unearthed hundreds of millions of dollars in expenses that were unaccounted for and was determined to cut the waste and improve the norms. The attack on 9/11 changed everything. It was shelved and never dealt with. Donald Trump knows this and knows that an outsider is better suited to come in and make major changes to an overblown Defense Department. Pete Hegseth may indeed be exactly the right candidate for the job.
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