Is China Using Its COVID Policy To Destroy The Global Economy?

by David Mark

As the global economy shows signs of slowing down due to supply chain disruptions as a result of China’s draconian COVID-19 policies, one wonders why the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is so adamant about stamping out the “Omicron variant” when its policy is literally costing its economy billions.

China has been using COVID-19 from the beginning to disrupt the world’s economy and exert control over global markets. From shutting down supply chains to taking over medical manufacturing sector like generics, masks, and hospital supplies, the CCP has managed to squeeze the West and much of the world for more control and money.

This is even more apparent with the CCP’s policy of stamping out the supposed “Omicron” variant, which has been proven to be far closer to a common cold and mild flu rather than the hyped up coronavirus of 2019 and 2020.

China’s strategy of utilizing outsized fear of coronavirus and the brutalization of its own economy to take control over the world is being done in partnership with global media corporations, Big Pharma, and Big Tech. The evidence is clear that Fauci, Pfizer and the CCP all had a hand in the Gain of Function (GoF) research that was being conducted on coronaviruses in Wuhan.

Given the lower standards that exist in China, there is no surprise that the GoF eventually led to an uncontrollable pathogen crafted by and used to benefit Big Pharma and at the same time aided China’s thirst to control global markets. It is becoming apparent that the “pandemic” was an artificial creation, premeditated by the global elite. The real question is, what do they really want?

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