Jaffa Gate is the main gate that people use to walk into the Old City of Jerusalem. It was not the ancient gate to Jerusalem. Not even close. This short City of David presentation takes apart myth after myth about the Old City of Jerusalem.
The most common misperception about the City of Jerusalem is the Tower of David which actually has nothing to do with the real Tower of David. But the real palace of David has now been unearthed and can be seen today. The lost City of Jerusalem continues to be unearthed every day.
Nearly 1 million people – in a normal year – travel through the ancient streets of the City of David. This modern-day miracle of unearthing the Bible – in the holiest City of the world, connects people all around the world in a way that penetrates the hearts and minds of so many people who are connected to the Bible.
The original Biblical Jerusalem began from the southern wall of the Temple Mount and stretched down the mountain. Underneath what is largely an Arab neighborhood today was exactly where the City of David, the City of Jerusalem was located. See the real Tower of David today from the comfort of your own home.