What a terrible sight. And this was not the first time we are seeing a Jew being brutally beaten in Brooklyn. When will it end?
A Jew brutally beaten last night in Brooklyn. Nothing stolen. Antisemitism is alive and well in NYC. Time for a hard look at who is doing it and its cause. This has been going on in NY long before Charlottesville or 2016 just ask anyone visibly Jewish. pic.twitter.com/z86dz32YBL
— Motti Seligson (@mottiseligson) January 30, 2019
Jew Being Brutally Beaten
This is a frightening reality. Antisemitism has not disappeared. This scene would seem like it is from Germany in 1939. But sadly, it is not. It is from Brooklyn in January, 2019. The antisemitism that you see is from right now.
And sadly, this is not the first attack of its kind.
Other Brooklyn Attacks
Jews have been attacked in Brooklyn too many times. Not only in Brooklyn, but all over the world. Why is such antisemitism still happening? Why has the world not yet learned its lesson? It is hard to watch actual footage of Jews being beaten. But it is important for people to see what is still going on in today’s world.
Hopefully, one day soon, there won’t be any more scenes like this to record.