Brilliant: Ben Shapiro Interviews Former Amb. David Friedman on the Middle East Conflict

by Leah Rosenberg

Ben Shapiro and David Friedman are two people who actually get it on the Middle East conflict. Everyone needs to hear their conversation here.

Must-See Interview on Middle East Conflict

This interview must be seen. It shares the truth. The world thinks the Middle East conflict is so complicated. But if you know history, the truth, and the facts, it really shouldn’t be so complicated.

For some reason, it’s forbidden to say it, but David Friedman isn’t afraid to say it: There cannot be a two-state solution. That is not a solution at all. He doesn’t believe in it, and neither should anyone who has some sort of common sense. It’s not a statement of hatred. It’s purely a statement of fact and reality. Jewish people don’t hate innocent Muslims. They would live side by side with them if Muslims stopped trying to kill the Jewish people…

We see what happens when the so-called “Palestinian” people are given land to create a state. Death, murder, violence, and destruction. Indoctrination. Brainwashing children to hate and murder. October 7. Why does the world keep pushing Israel to just let its enemies destroy it?

David Friedman gets it. Everything he said here is hated by the Left, but it is just the truth. It shouldn’t be considered controversial at all. We can’t allow the call to be politically correct interfere with what’s actually accurate. We can’t appease those who speak lies because we are scared of what others will say. Stand for truth. Stand with Israel. And stand on the right side of history in this Middle East conflict.

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