Bombshell Comment from Israeli Ambassador Left the UN Totally Speechless

by Leah Rosenberg

As Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon made clear, the so-called “Palestinian” representative at the UN is by no means a peace partner.

Israeli Ambassador Shocks the UN

Danny Danon said it exactly right here. Why do people think that the made-up “Palestinian” people and their leaders are peaceful? As ambassador to the UN, Danon strongly defends the Jewish people and the truth. The world needs more people like that. Especially in a place like the UN, the truth needs to be said loud and clear.

The world feels sympathy for terrorists. It’s truly sickening. Instead of standing up for the one democracy in the Middle East, the UN stands up for literal terrorists such as the fake “Palestinian” leaders. The UN treats the Iranian leadership like a regular government instead of the rogue and barbaric regime that it is.

Are people blind to the truth? Do they not care? Are they so antisemitic that they would rather stand up for murderers than defend the Jewish people? Whatever the reason, enough is enough. Morals and values must be defended. Terrorists must never be defended. It’s that simple.

It’s not a wise choice to stand against G-d’s people. Those who do will pay the consequences.

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