The most dangerous movement today in America is the Black Lives Matter movement. It is a movement that wants to radically cut budgets to police departments, and wants to strongly push a racist anti-white agenda that blames white people for nearly all issues that black people face today. What is confusing is that there is a kernel of truth in the Black Lives Matter movement. There are some vestiges of racism that ought to be rooted out. But the key to growth on this issue is not based on blame, but on adding more responsibility – to all people, no matter what their color or religion.
Many black communities across America today are filled with crime and drugs. The breakdown is real and the prison rate of black people is far greater than that of non-black people. Is this due to racism? Again, there probably is a kernel of truth in this accusation. But that is not the main source of the problem at all. At most, it is a minor additional reason. Just like the source of white people who are in prison, or who are caught up in crime and drugs – is not their skin color, so too – with black people. The source is the breakdown of the family unit across many black communities. This is not due to racism. It is due to the culture of NOT taking responsibility for one’s actions. If more people would accept that they have a responsibility to their wives and children, then less people would be sitting in jails.
The proposed solution of defunding the police and adding more social workers is misguided. But there is a kernel of truth to that too. In the prison system and in crime filled communities, more social workers are indeed needed. The rehabilitation of criminals is often underfunded. Every rehabilitated criminal is another world that is saved, and usually, it will raise up the ex-criminal’s family too. So, yes, when one calls 911, a social worker should probably be alerted too. But first of all, there needs be more men at home, and more blue shirts patrolling so that people have a little more “fear of G-d” before committing crimes.