Big Pharma Influenced Media in 2005 – Vaccines & Autism with Bobby Kennedy

by Avi Abelow

Today, 2024 Presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy is hardly interviewed on establishment media because of his outspoken scientific views on the covid vaccine, and vaccines in general. But, back in 2005 he was still allowed to be invited for some interviews on establishment media.

Wait until you hear what happened to his vaccines and autism expose that was supposed to be aired on ABC back in 2005.

The above video was posted by Dr. Stanton Hom on his Instagram account. The following is the text he wrote with the video post.

“Back in 2005 I was getting out of the army. I moved to San Diego & I was in my mid 20s. I was told by army medicine that I had a “clean bill of health”. I could do 120 push-ups in 2 minutes, run a 12 minute 2 mile & pretty much do anything physically I can put my mind to.

But I also had 4 chronic illnesses, major gut inflammation, IBS, chronic pain & stress, & PTSD.

In my mid 20s.

I was inspired by my brother who was a brand new chiropractor at the time to transform my life.

I learned yoga, meditation, & breath work.
I surfed 2 to 3 times a day.
I transformed my nutrition.
I did everything I could to empower my mindset.

fun fact: I grew my hair out to my shoulders, took 8 months off & qualified for the World Series of Poker.

My brother taught me how the body heals itself when it’s given everything that it needs from nature and from healthy relationships to self, others & God. AND detoxifies well, & is allowed as pure an environment as possible for an extended period of time.

He also taught me the foundational nature to Chiropractic, especially as it relates to optimizing the brain and nervous system.

In six weeks, I felt like we hit the reset button. Remember that old-school Nintendo where the screen goes black and it just starts the game over? That’s what I felt like.

In six months, he told me that I was one of his healthiest patients.

My brother also introduced me to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny,
& Dr. Joe Mercola.

I read the book Vaccine A & it changed my life.

Do you know why I knew at the start of 2020 this was a hoax? Because I was experimented on. That book was about Anthrax shot of which I got 5 out of 6 in the series and Smallpox leading up to deployment.

I don’t want you all to go through nearly 20 years of rigorous study, trial and error, and the endless search through the infinity of information.

The End of COVID is the most powerful and comprehensive program that I’ve seen that will get you and your family there faster. I’m honored to be a part of it, and to be standing alongside you learning from some of the great masters of this time.

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