This Is When Biden Spilled The Secret Deal He Made With Obama

by Leah Rosenberg

Was Biden supposed to say that out loud? Well, it’s too late now if he wasn’t. He did. On TV. But Americans will ignore how wrong it seems.

Who’s Pulling the Strings – Biden, Kamala, Obama?

Joe Biden opened up a can of worms here. He is talking about a conversation he had with Barack Obama that sounds like a “deal” regarding Kamala. If this is what it sounds like it is, then Obama is the one pulling the strings behind either a Biden or Harris presidency. There is definitely something “not kosher” going on here. Will Americans just shrug it off? This is dishonesty. This is unlawful, might we even say criminal? Nothing seems right about the Biden presidency’s arrangements with Barack Obama. The fraudulent votes, the fact that the potential Democratic president seems to be saying many things he shouldn’t and not saying the things that he should.

It is frightening the way the Democrats have pushed Joe Biden to be front and center while really having others make all the decisions and control what he does. He said, “I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.” Was he aware he said that? Did he mean to?

What is going to be? What type of future lies ahead for an Oval Office that has been largely managed by an ex-President? It is definitely not looking so bright. It looks like a future based on lies, dishonesty, and unlawfulness. And that should not be a future that any American wants.

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