Russia has announced that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, flew secretly to Moscow to speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Most observers agree that Israel is attempting to be a peace maker between Ukraine and Russia. This has been strengthened due to the fact that Bennett flew to Germany to update their leadership after he was finished in Moscow. Israel is one of the only countries that maintains positive relations with both Ukraine and Russia.
The effect of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is being felt beyond the theatre of war and now affecting the price of gas and food around the world. Gas prices keep on rising and the longer Ukraine’s grain supplies are caught off from the world, the higher food prices will go.
If Bennett can broker a peace deal, he and Israel will be hailed around the world. Of course this is the same world that is on the verge of allowing Iran to have a nuclear weapon. If Israel can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, it won’t matter if Iran gets the bomb.
So what’s really going on?
While Ukraine was certainly on the agenda in Bennett’s meeting with Putin, the real goal of Bennett’s trip to Moscow may have been Iran. In fact, the Ukraine war has already affected Iranian negotiations with the Russians wanting to use the burgeoning nuclear deal to get around America’s sanctions.
According to commentary in The Wall Street Journal:
It was always understood by Western officials that Russia’s specific role within the 2015 nuclear deal would need to be protected from sanctions. That includes receiving enriched uranium from Iran and exchanging it for yellowcake, Russia’s work to turn Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility into a research center and other nuclear-specific deliveries to Tehran’s facilities.
However, Mr. Lavrov appeared to demand far more sweeping guarantees that could introduce major loopholes in the tight financial, economic and energy sanctions the West has imposed in recent days because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Israel may be using the Russia-Ukraine conflict to help maneuver a collapse of the Iranian nuclear deal. If Bennett succeeds, he will prove himself a far more deft leader than many originally thought.