Arugot Farm is an amazing enterprise focused on international tourism, land reclamation, and education. Sitting at the edge of the desert at a strategic junction, it connects various areas of Eastern Gush Etzion in Judea.
Despite its strategic location and being entirely on pre-approved state land, the Israeli government has decided to uproot Arugot Farm’s vineyard. The last time the Defense Ministry uprooted Jews trees at this scale was 15 years ago.
Land laws in Judea and Samaria are a complicated web of Turkish, British, Jordanian, and Israeli laws based on multiple sets of maps dating back over 100 years or more. This often leads to conflicts regarding land ownership and retroactive claims. However, Nachal Arugot Farms has no claim over its land – it is 100% on State Lands, which is why it is surprising that the Defense Ministry would pick it to destroy.
There is no gain – only destruction.
Meanwhile, illegal Bedouin villages are in the process of legalization and the Defense Minister has granted thousands of building permits for Arabs living in Area C – where Israel has complete sovereignty.
The real question is, where is PM Naftali Bennett. His party is supposedly rightwing and he campaigned on being a rightwinger. However, the policies he appears to endorse are anything but rightwing and are fast becoming a danger to the Jewish citizens in Judea and Samaria. So how long will Jews living in Israel’s Biblical Heartland put up with constantly being duped by two-faced politicians willing to say anything to lure voters to vote for them and once in, target their voters first as an offering to the most important “god”of all – world public opinion.
The key to stopping this sort of madness lies first in the hands of the voter. The voters must refrain from supporting anyone who has had a history of doublespeak and most importantly who has never truly been part of the Greater Israel cause as an activist and resident of Judea and Samaria.