Antifa Attacks Christian Prayer Event; Police Do Nothing

by Leah Rosenberg

This is absolutely insane. Antifa has taken control. The Police are doing nothing. How is this ok? What’s going on?

Antifa Attacks at a Family Event

This Christian prayer event was a family event! That means that there were children present! How evil can Antifa be? Why didn’t the police do anything? Was it because they have been defunded? Because they are afraid of Antifa? Whatever the answer is, this entire situation is terrifying. The point that America has reached. People act violently, the police don’t react – what is this? How can anyone survive like this? How can a country survive like this?

No country is perfect. But what is happening in America now is unprecedented. Violent groups like Antifa doing what they want. Cities defunding their police force. Who do they expect to keep the streets safe? They have slandered a profession whose goal is to enforce law and keep people safe.

America is upside down now. Do enough people realize that to turn it right side up?

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