Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour claims Islam taught her human rights; no need for the West

by Leah Rosenberg

Linda Sarsour is a political activist. But for the wrong things. She is a vile anti-semite who preaches the worst of the worst.

Linda the Anti-Semite

Sarsour claims to have learned human rights from Mohammed, yet she hates the Jewish people and the Jewish state. She acts as if she has learned all she needs to from Islam about caring for others, yet she despises America and everything it stands for. It is ironic. And what she says is obviously skewed.

She does not care about human rights. She cares about pushing the Muslim agenda forward and ignoring others who actually deserve to be treated properly.

The Lies

She also lies. About Israel, America, and everything else that the West believes in. Sarsour has spread vicious lies about Israel and Gaza, and even in this video she lied! Regarding Trump’s decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem and publicly recognize the Jewish people’s right to their historical and Biblical capital she said, “Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of ‘Palestine.'” That is just not true. It never was true. King David declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel thousands of years ago. Linda Sarsour is trying to rewrite history.

And we are not going to let her.

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