A Grave Warning: Jihadists Are Preparing to Attack in Judea and Samaria

by Leah Rosenberg

Yishai Fleisher shared some critical points on what’s happening in Judea and Samaria. You have to watch this interview.

Judea and Samaria

When will the world get it? Judea and Samaria is the heartland of the Jewish people. It is not “occupied” by Israel. It is part of Israel! G-d gave it to us.

The truth about it is that sadly, Jihadists are polluting the area with terrorism. And the IDF must stop it. The fact that the world doesn’t want the IDF to stop the terrorists in Judea and Samaria is insane. The world should be fighting alongside Israel and supporting it. They should most definitely not tell Israel to give up more land. And for what? Has no one learned? Giving up land doesn’t create peace. It has only brought more terror upon the Jewish people. More innocent Jews have been killed because of the fact that Israel has given up land.

We cannot ignore the truth about what’s happening in the Biblical heartland of the Jewish people. The IDF must stop these vicious Jihadists from attacking. Israel cannot care what the world thinks anymore. We must continue to stop terrorism and to build Jewish communities in our ancient, ancestral homeland.

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