Woman Throws Stones at Jewish School in London

by Leah Rosenberg

Absolutely sickening and shocking. Once again, antisemitism strikes. Once again, in London. And once again, children were targeted.

Woman Arrested after Throwing Stones at Jewish School in London

On December 26, a woman threw stones at a Jewish school in London. As 2021 was nearing its end, this vile woman had to add one more attack to the long list of antisemitic attacks of 2021. She threw stones at the playground of the school which was full of children. Horrifying! Thank Gd, she was arrested.

Not only could she have physically harmed innocent children, but that experience is traumatizing. What child should have to encounter such hatred? What child should have to feel that they are being targeted? Antisemitism is rising, and people need to wake up. Throughout the world, Jews are being attacked. And it seems that London is making the news headlines too often with the antisemitic attacks that have taken place.

This is not about Israel and land. No – antisemitism goes way back. It is about a hatred for the Jewish people that exists in the world. No matter where a Jew is, the hatred sadly seems to follow.

Hopefully, the age-old hatred will come to an end soon. Let’s pray…

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