What is the #1 need today for young Jewish students around the world?

by Avi Abelow

Answer: Jewish pride in everything that is Israel. 

Post Oct. 7th, many Jews worldwide feel like deer caught in the headlights.  They are confused about the present, the past, and especially their future. 

They are shocked that following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, not only are Jews not receiving sympathy and support,  but Jew-hating antisemitism is growing.

City streets and University campuses are filled with protests that clearly support Hamas and call for the destruction of Israel!

Every day Jews are bombarded with lies – new ones everyday.

One day it is that Jews have no right to Jerusalem. 

The next day it is that the IDF bombed a hospital. 

The next day it is that Jews are committing genocide – lies, lies, and more lies….

Many Jewish organizations have mobilized and are fighting back, providing facts to young Jews, to fend off these lies.

But playing defense day after day does not truly empower young Jews to be proud of the State of Israel. 

They need a vision for a bright future.  They need to be winners in the battle of good against evil. 

They need to be warriors for truth who go on offense! 

There is no room for wishywashiness.  Enough is enough! 

Every rejection of a lie must be fought with a proud truth of the justice of our cause.

Every Jew-hating antisemitic action must be met with morally upright Jews who inspire a proud future of Israel.

These are the 5 points that must be proclaimed loud and clear through effective short online videos:

1. Israel Must Win the War against Terrorism in Gaza, Judea and Samaria and Lebanon – period.

2. Israel Must Provide Total Security.  No Sovereignty to Anyone but Israel west of the Jordan. 

3. Citizenship or Emigration. Pledge allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel or Israel will help you emigrate to other countries.

4.  The Land of Israel is the ancestral heart of Jewish identity and always will be the heart of the Jewish people!

5.  The Jewish People in the Land of Israel are a moral Light unto the Nations!


That is what the jewish people need to hear today, day after day, in order to stand tall and proud as Jews.

Only an unapologetically Jewish, Zionist campaign, sharing the inspiring, politically incorrect truth, will help Jews today stand up against the tsunami of Jew-hating antisemitism.

That is why we are creating an army of tens of young people creating short, proud videos of Israel daily to spread online to their networks of fellow Jews. 

Through our massive reach of 200,000+, we are able to give the push to the most effective videos and reach hundreds of thousands of people constantly.

We must turn Am Yisrael Chai from just being a slogan for the youth into a personal reality!

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