Is Joe Biden connected to the Chinese government? Well, this was not a major issue – until now. In this video from the Tipping Point, the argument made is that the Biden Center is clearly connected to the Chinese government. Will President Biden stand up in order to make sure that the American manufacturing base grows at the expense of the Chinese manufacturing base? The argument here is that Biden will definitely not be strong on this issue.
It seems to me that the arguments against Biden vis-a-vis China are not as strong as the arguments for President Trump as regards the China issue. President Trump certainly put his foot in his mouth a few times concerning the Coronavirus response. He is also not a good role model on many levels in terms of his fractious and often childish manner of speech.
But what President Trump is clearly able to do is to run a business and help a business recover when things go sour. He will never win any awards for diplomacy, but he most certainly does know how to run an economy in turmoil. He understands that the threat that China poses is indeed the #1 threat that exists in the world to the freedom and prosperity of the Western world. Now we know that our health and physical well-being is also threatened by China. There are certainly many people that are not Trump supporters who understand that the China issue may very well be the most important thing that will shape the future of the West. Even if one is not thrilled with Donald Trump, Joe Biden is certainly not the answer.