Watch: Former CNN Anchor Hits Biden Hard in This Must-See Clip

by Phil Schneider

The Biden administration was extremely supportive of Israel in the early stages of Israel’s War in Gaza. But within 2-3 months, the Biden administration seemed to make a complete about face. What was the cause? Was it genuine concern for human suffering in Gaza? Was it due to political concerns?    

Chris Cuomo is correct in noting that there is a problem with the entire picture over here. Can it truly be the case that the Biden administration is genuinely concerned about human suffering? Well, if the Biden administration was truly concerned about suffering in the Land of Israel, then they would insist on one thing and one thing only – return of Israeli hostages and the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who have been displaced from their homes living in safety from Arab terror. 

Concern for Arab civilians based on completely unreliable numbers provided by the enemy to mankind, Hamas, is nothing more than a blatant disregard for standing with good vs. evil. All of the suffering of Arabs is Hamas created, and the hundreds of trucks of humanitarian aid that doesn’t reach Arabs in Gaza is due to Hamas. 

But it seems that Joe Biden of today has made what seems like a clear calculation. If he pressures Israel, he may win Minnesota and Michigan in November and still win the election. If he doesn’t pressure Israel, then the America and Israel-hating Arabs in Dearborn, Michigan may choose to stay home, and Biden will have less of a chance to reach 270.

The bulk of the Democrat Party and isolationist wing of the Republican Party has shown that it is willing to side against Israel and with the forces of evil, even after Israel experiences a one-day mini-Holocaust. This is akin to the British policy between 1945-148 that shunned support for the creation of a State of Israel, right after 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. But there have been clear-headed exceptions to this, and Chris Cuomo has been one of them. Thank you, Chris, for your unpopular and tough willingness to stand with good vs. evil.    

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