Watch Candace Owens Rip Apart the Left for Destroying Society

by Leah Rosenberg

In today’s day and age, very few people can even speak up against the destruction of freedom of speech that is going on now in the West. Anybody who says anything negative about the Black Lives Matter movement is labeled a racist. Freedom of speech has been thrown to the side. Better to not insult then to be accused of racism. But some courageous people refuse to be silenced. Candace Owens is one of these brave people.

The problem is that age-old liberalism, which is filled with good and healthy ideals, is fast being replaced by radical progressive ideas. The difference is the difference between supporting freedom vs. supporting totalitarianism. Age-old liberals praise the United States of America as a beacon of freedom. New radical leftists think America is the problem, and we need to tear apart the fabric of America and then rebuild a more fair and socialist country.

When Americans truly understand what it is that the radical left supports, they are often shocked and dismayed. That is what happened in the Virginia Gubernatorial election. People understood what the choices were between the Republican and Democrat candidate. These days, nearly every Democrat candidate refuses to speak out against the radical left-wing of their party. The radicals on all ends need to be contained. Anyone who is trying to shut up their ideological foes is a major threat. The best solution to the radical threats is to expose them. This is what Candace does so effectively.

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