Unbelievable Footage in New Music Video for IDF Reservists

by Phil Schneider

One of the descriptions that some have used to describe the present generation of soldiers is the “generation of victors” or the “victorious generation.” The young and not-as-young Israeli soldiers that are fighting and literally giving up their lives on the front lines of Israel are indeed a generation of winners. They are a generation that knows why they are here and what they are fighting for. 

One of the fascinating facts about the Israel Armed Forces on October 7th and the week following the horrendous attack on Israel is that Israel’s reserve army forces showed up in numbers that were astounding. It was not 100% that showed up, but more like 120% or even more that showed up. That is a phenomenon that does not occur nearly anywhere else in the world. 

But this is a generation that is well-educated in their past, in their present, and their future. They know that they are here because of all of the willpower of previous generations and they know that they are fighting to take things to the next level of development of the nation of Israel. There may be internal debates within Israel about what the future looks like, but every one knows that this is the heart of the Jewish people and it is worth fighting for. 

Is that worth sacrificing one’s life? They all know that the answer is yes – and that is why they are willing to put themselves in the line of fire. This is the most healthy form of fighter. A morally upright nationalist with a strong understanding of their place in history. That is who the Israeli Defense Forces are. Every Zionist should be proud to be a supporter of the Israel Defense Forces.   

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