Colleges are not places where there is much broad-based exposure going on. Instead, there is indoctrination and close-mindedness that has become the norm. The old-time classical liberal concepts of free speech are no longer the norm. Liberal values are not touted anymore on campuses. The cancel culture has been taking over instead.
What makes this interview so interesting is that Candace Owens’ found a brilliant professor to interview – a really unique individual, Dr. Carol Swain. Dr. Carol Swain’s line that in order to defeat the left, you must understand their tactics, is extremely important. She argues that we must understand that we are living in a cultural war – no less, and that we must be strategic about the way we combat the war for freedom and the values that have built up the United States of America.
Dr. Swain was a poor woman from rural America. So, she is certainly not someone who doesn’t understand black poverty. She grew up in it and had poorly educated parents who divorced. But, she still found a way to pick herself up and make it in the world of academia. Ultimately, she became a professor in Vanderbilt University and taught in Princeton University. Carol Swain took a while to finish high school and was already a parent at the age of seventeen, and had three children by the age of twenty. But she struggled and turned herself into a major success story. What she has to say about the world of academia today must be heard by everyone.