Elections 2022: Israelis Chose Nationhood Over Globalism

by Forest Rain

We’re told that it is wrong to embrace family and tribe over globalism.

That embracing our unique ancestral heritage, adhering to our holy sites, remembering the ancient, and holding it at least as dear as the now, is crazy, backward, primitive.

Photo by Forest Rain Marcia

That believing we live in the embodiment of a miracle, that the actions of our grandparents, parents, and what we choose today is what keeps the miracle alive means that we have a “messiah complex”.

That believing that protecting our own from the violence of our neighbors means that we are hateful. Racist. We should not see the violence. That there is no threat to our security or safety and, at the same time, that it is our fault the violence exists. That if we were “good” and “enlightened” we would accept the violence because all cultures are equal, including those who openly advocate for our elimination.

We are told that insisting on sovereignty means that we will never be accepted by the nations of the world. As if lacking sovereignty made us beloved by anyone. As if being weak motivated others to protect us.

We are told that embracing our identity is an act of hate. That Zionism is racism.

That not conforming means we are hateful, or morally deficient.

We are told who we can vote for and still be considered decent human beings.

The choice of the majority of the People is not democracy, it is fascism because the People are not wise enough to choose correctly.

We’ve been told this for years. By the nations of the world and worse, by our own brothers and sisters, neighbors, colleagues, the authority figures of society, and particularly, the media.

We’ve had the weight of the world pushing us down, trying to disconnect us from what we believe. We had the pressure of our own telling us how wrong, bad and unenlightened we are. Years of propaganda, supposedly spontaneous demonstrations, court cases that ebb and flow according to the popularity of the man under scrutiny…

It is enormously difficult to withstand the fury of the storm and yet, here we are.

The majority of the Jewish population of Israel did not listen to what we are told is correct. Instead, they chose what they thought was right.

Refusing to obey or conform to the judgments of others, they chose identity, Judaism, sovereignty, independence.

The People of Israel, in general, are astounding. Thank God.

Sometimes prayers are heard.

Miracles do happen.


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