This One Minute in Congress Shows Exactly Why College Grads Are So Confused Today

by Phil Schneider

Can a student ask their professor today as to where the idea came from that a man can get pregnant? Are their really people who are non-binary? Meaning, are their really multiple categories of people – not just male and female? Ask the question and you’ll be labeled a transphobe by your professor and you’ll fail the class and be labeled by your peers as being an insensitive barbarian who probably voted for Trump.

It is time for the normal people to stand up and fight the abnormal. If people want to be homosexual in their own private homes that is one thing. But if they want to force down their way of life on everybody else in the world to watch and see on Main St., then they need to be rejected as a moral danger to society. But that is no longer the issue anymore. That was back in the 90’s.

The idea today is not about a person’s choice to be a homosexual or not. The question is not about featuring one’s sexual preferences in public either. We have gone way past that into a different galaxy where truth and reality are a figment of the past, and the battle is against the very nature of society as it has existed since Creation – with a Capital C.

Today, the issue is whether or not facts even exist. Today the battle is whether or not their are just males and females. Today, the question is not about preferences. It is a battle against the family unit. Professors and other wise non-binary people are preaching to anyone who walks inside college campuses that men and women are terms that are passe. The only things that exist today are preferences, and nothing is abnormal anymore. Absolutely nothing. A person can create whatever form of personality and sexuality they want to be.

Oh, and as to the major emotional issues that a vast number of these so-called trans people have, that is of course a result of people questioning their right to claim to not be a man or woman – but something else in the non-binary range. Is this really worth paying tens of thousands of dollars in tuition to learn?

The polarization of America is happening at a breathtaking level. The core issue is family values and truth versus a so-called progressive values system. If too many people adopt the progressive values system and reject family values, they will self-destruct within a couple of generations as they will not have enough progeny to keep spreading the lies and fictions of ideas such as non-binary people. One need not be religious to realize the sickness of preaching to people to self mutilate the body in order to create sick ideas such as non-binary people.

Monty Python said it best. ” You can’t have a baby. You don’t have a womb!”

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