This Muslim student stands up in the UN against all of Israel’s critics. The most important part of his speech is how he speaks openly about how the Muslim haters truly do wish to create another Holocaust. In addition, he makes it perfectly clear that the Human Rights Council is filled with hypocrisy.
Anti-semitism is growing, and a part of this is due to the calls that come out of the United Nations. The United Nations needs a reset. They need to have an entirely different group of people representing the world with values that resonate with the international community. Today, it is a political body. It should transcend politics and focus on human rights – from a truly humanitarian and non-political level.
If that were indeed the case, Israel would be placed on a pedestal for it’s strong record in defending the rights of minorities in it’s midst. Israel is the best place in the Middle East for an Arab to live if he believes in freedoms such as the right to vote and the right to free speech. Israel is the country that young Arab children all over the Middle East look at in amazement as Arabs serve on Israel’s Supreme Court, Knesset, and in senior positions all through the political leadership of the country. That is why it is not a surprise to see this kind of support for Israel from an Arab who truly recognizes who is in the right in the battle for control of the State of Israel.