There Is So Much More To The Islamic Jihad Than Violence

by Phil Schneider

Dr. Mordechai Kedar is an expert. So when someone like him talks about Islamic Jihad, you better listen up.

What Else is There to Islamic Jihad Besides Violence?

When people think of Islamic Jihad, they might think about violence. But as Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a Mideast expert, points out, there is much more. There are so many ways that Jihad plays itself out. And the world needs to be aware.

Much of the world doesn’t realize that in the recent Israeli government, there was a coalition with literal terrorists. Many of the Arab Knesset members who were part of the coalition want to destroy Israel. They want to murder innocent Jewish men, women, and children, and yet, they are allowed to be part of the Knesset. It is absolutely insane! And as Dr. Kedar points out, that is a type of Jihad. The world might not view it that way because they are not literally taking a sword, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a form of Jihad. These Arabs should not get a free pass as politicians because that is not truly what they are. They are Jihadists.

People need to wake up to the truth about what Jihad is and how many faces it has. Because if everyone is ignoring the truth, how can these Jihadists be stopped? How can the state of Israel and the Jewish people be protected from these vicious Jihadists if others won’t admit the truth about them?

Wake up world. Wake up to the truth. Wake up to what the Muslim Brotherhood really is. Don’t close your eyes to the evil that is right in front of you.

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