The Vaccinated are Worried for Good Reason

by Avi Abelow

Since the beginning I have focused on the fact that while our governments, medical establishment and media have been pushing a “shot is the only solution” policy, plenty of doctors and scientists around the world were worried about no data being available to prove such a policy. Based on that fact, I have consistently asked for respect for those people who have made risk/benefit medical decisions based on medical professionals suggesting existing, proven medical treatments instead of the shots.

Just a half a year ago we were promised “get the two shots and life will go back to normal”. Guess what? Life did not go back to normal! Now the “shot is the only solution” supporters are pressuring everyone to get a third shot, because it’s dangerous to not get the third. That’s exactly what Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says in the attached video below (in Hebrew). Just last week he said that 78 out of 79 Israelis died before getting the third shot (meaning that they had gotten the first two shots!!!)

Now we are a half a year into the “shot is the only solution” policy and many scientists are confused. There is finally short term data – the shots protect for a few months and then people have to go back for another one (?). Yet, we also now know from short term data of multiple adverse effects and even some deaths from the shots. While many people are running to take the third shot, plenty of people who experienced or know people adversely effected by the first two are not going back for the third.

Understand, I have no problem with science and scientists bringing about a change, and updating their assessments based on new knowledge. That’s science! And that was exactly my point from the beginning! That since there was no short term or long term data to push humanity to all take an experimental shot, then people shouldn’t be shamed or delegitimized for listening to other medical professionals. (Considering all the experts are still learning about these shots, and adjusting their medical advice accordingly, it’s safe to say that it’s experimental).

So, once again, all I ask is for love and respect, and stop the shaming and delegitimization of friends, family and loved ones just because they are worried about you, who took the shots believing it would bring back “normal”, instead of taking it themselves. We are all in this crazy reality together, even if we decided to listen to different medical professionals. May we all be healthy!

And just to let everyone know, we are not letting the fear of a virus take over our lives. There is a virus. People are getting sick. Some people are dying. Close to 100% of people survive, and lives could have been saved if they had been provided the medical treatments that for whatever reason are censored and delegitimized did by governments, the medical establishment and media. Even vaxxed people today know they can get sick and spread the virus and they should also find out about the medical treatments! Yale Professor Dr. Harvey Risch told that exact message to the Senate back in Dec 2020 yet was ignored by all the “experts” :((

(Originally published on facebook)

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