The Truth the Liberal Media Is Trying to Hide About the New Orleans Shooter

by Phil Schneider

Radicalized Muslims are a homegrown problem that has been growing and continues to grow from year to year. Radical Muslims were not a significant minority in the United States in the 20th century. But with massive immigration over the last ten years and a new-found boldness of anti-Jewish rhetoric among young Arabs, the radical Muslim threat has become a real and present danger. The attack in New Orleans showed that this is not just an Arab vs. Jew issue. It effects all Americans. 

What is needed in America is not a McCarthyist type witch-hunt that roots out young people who are supporters of radical Islam. First off, the border must become a border. That is the first part of dealing with the issue. But as the case of New Orleans shows, threats to security are not only imported from outside of the United States. What is needed is a federal plan to strengthen the need for strong police forces throughout all of the major US cities and an FBI that is aware that there will always be homegrown threats of all kinds. Additionally, many more people holding handguns is also necessary.  

Law enforcement will never be 100% effective, nor even 98% effective. But it can be 90-95% effective at preventing or limiting the lethality of attacks such as the one that was perpetrated on New Years Eve in New Orleans. A larger police force and FBI will prevent many attacks before they happen. Nearly every city that actually refunded their police will see a massive uptick in violent crime. A strong police force is almost always the solution, not the problem.  And if the police and FBI fail to prevent the attacks, innocent bystanders with handguns can also stop attacks in their tracks. 

Of course there will be much opposition to encouraging people to be carrying handguns. But in truth, most of the controversies about guns are not about handguns, but about automatic and semiautomatic rifles. If in every crowd of 1,000 people, there would be 25-50 people carrying a gun, it would increase the chances of an attacker being stopped before going on a rampage.

The world has not become more peaceful in the 21st century, but more violent. The solution is not just isolationism and hermetically closing borders. This is both shortsighted and impractical. Rather, engaging terror threats in a manner that creates more stumbling blocks for a person trying to destroy the lives of others is a more effective plan to fight terror.  

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