The Truth about the Libelous “Antisemitism” Attack on Trump

by Avi Abelow

Recently, President Donald Trump was blasted by the media, and some Jewish organizations, for “blaming liberal Jews for voting to destroy America and Israel, while wishing them a happy new year.” Newsweek even titled their article “Donald Trump’s Ominous Warning to U.S. Jews Sparks Horror: ‘Full-on Nazi’.

The irony is that the post President Trump was being blasted for was not even his. It was written by #JEXIT leader, and former Real Housewives star, Siggy Flicker. President Trump just shared it. And every word written by Siggy Flicker, then shared by President Trump, is 100% true. Watch the video to understand why.

Siggy’s message, shared by Trump, is not full-on nazi nor antisemitic.

Plenty of “liberal” Americans who vote for Biden and his ideological partners in the Democratic party are also voting to destroy America and Israel. It is just a fact that too few of them understand that they are supporting positions that are leading to the destruction of our two great countries.

Unfortunately, they are totally brainwashed by the lies of the establishment media.

So, instead of dealing with the real issues raised by Siggy, and then shared by Trump, they find it much easier to defame those claims as ‘antisemitic’.

It is an extremely sad situation that actually leads to even more antisemitism. How so? Because when many US voters, who understand that the Biden policies are destroying America, hear that those claims are being shut down and delegitimized for being ‘antisemitism’, they just hate Jews even more, as it feeds into the antisemitic trope that ‘liberal Jew are powerful and use their money and power to shut down and delegitimize things by claiming antisemitism’.

So, we are left with a sad ironic situation with the Jews and Jewish organizations calling out “antisemitism”, to try to end it, actually leading directly to its continued growth.

Now let’s deal with the truth about Siggy’s message, then shared by Trump.

President Biden and his administration have been horrible to Israel. The Biden administration stopped the Trump embargo on Iran and revived talks with Iran to allow them to go nuclear.

The Biden administration is also pushing Israel to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia, not for the benefit of Israel & Saudi Arabia, but in order to push Israel to make concessions to the antisemitic Palestinian Authority, which is horrible for Israel and does nothing for the Israel-Saudi Arabia relationship.

The Biden administration continues to give funding to the Palestinian Authority that has not stopped giving monetary rewards to terrorists who murdered innocent Jews. This is totally against US law, the Taylor Force Act, that the Biden administration is ignoring and in essence financially supporting terrorism. I would say there is nothing more antisemitic than that, and it is being done by President Biden and his administration!

On top of all that, the Biden administration just agreed to give Iran $6 billion all in order to free five Americans in Iranian prison. This is a horrific precedent and a horrible administration.

All this does not even include the tremendous damage the Biden administration is doing to the economic front or on the gender-ageda front, that is endangering children to horrific educational messages, and medical policies, pushing them to change their genders and undergo irreversible sex-surgeries that will destroy their lives.

With regards to President Trump stauch support of Israel, here is the list that Siggy Flicker posted, which was then shared by President Trump:

“Just in case you have been living under a rock…here is a list of things DJT did!

#1 Trump moves the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which is Israel’s true capital. No other president had the balls to do it.

#2 Trump recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

#3 Trump recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over settlements in Judea & Samaria.

#4 Trump signs an executive order for Judaism to be a nationality in addition to a religion so it would fall under the category Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs receiving federal financial assistance. Institutions that violate Title VI may lose their federal funding. This means that BDS will have a hard time harassing Jewish students on college campuses.

#5 May 2020 – Trump signs the “Never Again” education bill into law which allocates millions of dollars to expand Holocaust awareness and create websites with curriculum tools for teachers nationwide.


Hence, Siggy’s message shared by President Trump is unfortunately true – all liberal US Jews who continue to vote for Biden or for other democrats of the same ideological positions, are voting for the destruction of both the US and Israel.

Siggy sums up her overall support for former President Trump quite succinctly with this recent Instagram post of hers, and I agree with this position of hers 110%!:

My video before the 2020 elections with a message to Trump haters:

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