The Truth about the Israeli Arab Muslim Population in One Message

by Avi Abelow

The post below is being shared around. I don’t know who wrote it, whether by an Arab Israeli or not.

However, I can tell you the following with 100% certainty… Anyone who truly understands Islam and the Middle East understands that the following message makes perfect sense.

Islam has different categories for different lands around the world depending upon whether they are under Islam or not “yet” under Islam. Ultimately, Islam is more a political ideology than a religion, with the aim of ruling the whole world and subjugating all of humanity to Allah.

As opposed to Islam, the Jewish people just want to have one Jewish country in our ancestral homeland, as commanded by the one above.

As for Christians, they want to spread Christianity all around the world but without the heavenly command for every country to be Christian.

This is how the two other monotheistic religions differ from Islam. And this is something that not enough Jews or Christians understand about Islam.

Here is the post, translated from the the original Hebrew:

A post by an Israeli Arab written for Israeli Jews…the description of reality which is shocking as it is scary .. 


“Keep cursing, You have no chance against Allah. Little by little we bite into your country. We have an area in the Negev the size of Gush Dan, which is full of metal huts with small Bedouin children. What can you do to stop this? This area is de-facto Palestinian territory??

As soon as one tractor arrives to destroy any Bedouin structure, we will use left-wing organizations like ‘Peace Now’ and ‘Beztelem’ to contact the real ruler of the country, the High Court of Justice, to issue a stop order. In addition, we will send children and young people to throw stones and barricade themselves in the place, until the authorities flee like mice from the area, every stone that stands in the Negev will be broken into pieces.

 The Galilee with God’s help will also be ours soon. We buy a quarter of an acre from the land authority for NIS 50,000 while the Jew has to pay NIS 1,150,000 for that same piece of land.

 Already today we are 85% of the population of the Galilee and we are taking over the area at a fast pace, building houses in every corner without permits.

 Why would anyone bother with us?? 

And the Jews who live in the Galilee all flee to the center of the country, why would they stay and suffer from harassment, road violence, protection-rackets, shootings, thefts and robberies.

With the help of Allah, the whole north and south will be Bedouin Arabs, while the Jewish country will be fenced in between the Israeli cities of Hadera and Gadera on the coastal plain.

All this will be thanks to Allah.

Thank you Allah that the Jew is so stupid and gave us all this good.

Thank you Jews for your democratic system in Israel. Thanks to this system we build where we want, we don’t pay our taxes or property taxes. Each family extorts 18,000 NIS from the states National Insurance system every month.

We steal cars and scooters from Jews.

 The Jews pay us protection money in the Galilee and the Negev to “protect” their businesses and stores.

We take advantage of your hospitals as we get injured a lot.

The Jew comes to buy everything from our stores, including spare parts for cars (all stolen from the Jew), but we ourselves only shop in the Arab cities of Jenin and Barta.

 Thank you Allah.

 We do not want a Palestinian state. We want to live in the State of Israel, where we can continue to exploit the Jews. 

Why are we actually the rulers, in the Negev and the Galilee? Ask every Jew who lives there! No Jew, and I say no Jew, would dare to be rude to an Arab or a Bedouin, why would he get shot at home and he and his family run away like a frightened mouse, responsibly ask every Jew there.

The Israeli government tells you that the Galilee and the Negev is Jewish. Yet, I tell you in practice it is palestinian territory. No matter what you say, we actually control those areas of Israel. Every new business in the Negev pays us a protection tax, every neighborhood that is built will not be built without a protection payment.

Once a year we bring tractors and concrete to the Negev and build the palestinian state kilometer by kilometer, ask Israeli Islamic leader Raad Saleh who organizes the ‘day of building the Palestinian state’ in the Negev every year, which will be established thanks to our Allah.

Continue to build us roads and houses in the Negev and the Galilee, because in the end everything will be ours, you will run away without us making any effort at all, even selling your houses for money to the Arabs. 

Honestly, with a hand on his heart, does a Jew have the courage to live in a neighborhood with Arabs?? 

G-d have mercy on any Jews that lives in an Arab neighborhood. His car will be stolen every day, his children will receive murderous beatings from our children, who are strong and sturdy.

Any Jew who lives with us will act like a weak and inferior slave, if he raises his head we will cut off his head.

And every Jew in the Galilee and in the Negev knows that they can’t even place an Israeli flag on their car.
You think you show your stength with your flyovers across the country on Israel Independence Day?

To defeat you we don’t need planes or a nuclear bomb. We just need a woman’s womb, the left-wing organizations, Israeli “democracy” and a little help from Allah.”


The sad irony is, that the Jewish state of Israel is the only country in the Middle East where all Arab Muslims have complete freedom and equality. Shiite Muslims, Sunni Muslims, female Muslims, gay Muslims, athiest Muslims etc. all have complete freedom and equality with Jews, Christians, Druze, Bahai etc. That does not exist in any Arab Muslim country in the Middle East, only in Israel. And despite the fact that Israel is a bastion of freedom and equality for all Arab Muslims, they still want to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Because, ultimately, it is not a rational issue for Muslims, it is a religious issue. Israel can not be ruled by Jews, it must be ruled by Islam. This is a reality of our situation that we need more people, especially Jews, to wake up and internalize.

To see this in action, literally with the writing on the wall, click here.

To hear directly from an Israeli Arab Muslim about the Israeli Arab Muslim populatoin, I suggest you watch and listen to this interview I did with Timor Aklin, an Israeli Arab Muslim who converted to Judaism in his 20s. He knows the community and culture well.

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