Who are the “Palestinian” people? Well, actually, they aren’t really anything. They are a made up people – that’s a fact, not an opinion.
Who are the “Palestinian” People?
The world might try to deny it. The “Palestinian” people themselves might try to deny it. But the truth is the truth. The facts are the facts. The “Palestinians” are a made up people. They did not exist before the late 1960s…
Sometimes in life, there are grey areas. There are areas that are up for discussion; areas that are truly a matter of opinion. But when it comes to hardcore facts, evidence, and history, there are no opinions. It is black and white. And that is exactly the case with this so-called “Palestinian” people. If the world just admitted that, there would be no more discussion. The land of Israel obviously does not belong to a people that has no history and is made up. The land belongs to its ancient, rightful owners. The land belongs to the people that G-d gave it to – that is, the Jewish people.
The reason that the “Palestinians” want a state is solely to get rid of the Jewish state. They hate the Jews and want to destroy the one and only Jewish country. What are people not understanding? It is so obvious, and yet much of the world still sympathizes with this invented nation that wants to kill and wipe out the Jewish people from the face of the Earth. Absolutely mind-boggling, to say the least…