The Radical Left Got a Crushing Blow After This Response on UNRWA and Oct. 7

by Phil Schneider

It’s time for some Kamala talk. UNRWA is a United Nations entity. That’s what the U and the N stand for in UNRWA. UNRWA is supposed to help people around the world with funds from the UN. UNRWA indeed helps Arabs. UNRWA helps Arabs learn to be terrorists. UNRWA runs schools that teach terrorism and has terror tunnels underneath the schools. So all Arabs in Gaza can see and touch a terror tunnel from a very young age. But they only teach terrorism against Jews in Israel. So the UN helps kill Israelis via UNRWA.  

Hillel Neuer points out the obvious with excellent research of UNRWA’s own materials. All he does is bring to light what UNRWA themselves broadcast in broad daylight. UNRWA is not an outside force that helps Arabs in Gaza. UNRWA is part and parcel of the Hamas terrorist network. It serves as the best vehicle to channel tens of millions of UN dollars straight into Hamas coffers in order to teach terrorism and build terror tunnels. 

Iran and Qatar do indeed fund much of the terrorist activities. But UNRWA is the best vehicle to teach and eternalize the big lie about poor Arab refugees stuck in squalor due to Israeli policies. Even after Israel left 100% of Gaza and allowed the Arabs to run their own lives with hundreds of millions of dollars pouring in from foreign countries, the poor Arab refugees remained poor. 

Why? Well, 99% of the funds went to the bank accounts of the corrupt leadership of Hamas and towards building more terror tunnels. The corrupt Arab leadership along with UNRWA are 100% responsible for every Arab in Gaza not being an upper-middle class person living a luxurious life on beachfront property. Instead, they have educated and plotted to maintain their own well-paying UNRWA jobs and keep the million+ Arabs in Gaza in squalor for eternity. 

The Arabs in Gaza have one hope – Israel. If Israel succeeds in destroying the terrorist infrastructure completely, occupies the entire Gaza Strip, and makes changes to textbooks, then in another 1-2 generations, Israel will have a potential partner for a peaceful future. The only other alternative is eternal war against a terrorist State that plots Israel’s destruction. 

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