What’s more important? The truth? Or being politically correct? Sometimes, you need to be politically incorrect – no matter who you “offend.”
Be Politically Incorrect – the Truth Depends on it
It is absolutely insane that an entire organization as big as the ADL (The Anti-Defamation League), which is supposed to be dedicated to fighting antisemitism, would hide its real findings out of fear of being politically incorrect. It is misleading. It is dangerous. Fighting hate in the world should never involve politics. And yet, sadly, it has become a political game. People literally change the narrative so they don’t offend someone. And the results of that are catastrophic.
It doesn’t matter if someone will get offended by the truth of the alarming statistics of Jew-hatred! Why don’t people care about the actual JEWS that are being targeted? They care more about “offending” the Muslim population than about spreading the truth and stopping the Jew-hatred. The Jews are not protected when the ADL and others try to be politically correct. Stop trying to cover up Muslim antisemitism!
There has been too much truth-hiding going on in the world today. And we are talking about IMPORTANT truths; truths that should never be hidden. When people are so afraid of a population that it causes them to hide the truth, something is wrong. Something needs to change.
Will more people stand up and speak out? Will more people be willing to publicly share the facts – even if it might be what the world considers “politically incorrect?”