The Muslim Brotherhood is now part of Congress

by Leah Rosenberg

Being part of Congress is a big responsibility. It should be an honor to represent the American people. But things have taken a terrifying turn.

Newly Part of Congress

There are some new names who are now part of Congress. By now, you have probably heard about them: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. All of them are antisemitic. All of them are anti-Israel. And all of their values clash with American values. They look up to one of the world’s biggest anti-semites, Louis Farrakhan. They say things that they should not say. But will they be condemned the way they should? So far, many people are ignoring it. Omar, Tlaib, and Ocasio-Cortez are not even trying to hide their beliefs. But for some reason, many Democrats are sweeping it under the rug. And ignoring the reality will lead America to a place they do not want to be.

Linda Sarsour

Linda Sarsour is a terrorist-sympathizer. She wants Sharia Law to be implemented in America. And yes, she supports the newest Congress members. She supports all the hate and antisemitism because SHE is a vicious anti-semite herself.

It is frightening what is happening in America’s own Congress. There are unprecedented changes. These are changes you would not expect to see in a country like the United States. The Muslim Brotherhood has officially made its way to Congress. Those who support Jihad have been voted in. What will happen now?

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