Marriage is one of the greatest gifts of God to mankind. Not the wedding itself – but marriage. After the gift of life, the gift of companionship and commitment and love is a close second. But not everyone is privileged to experience the gift of marriage. However, many people make the mistake and assume that members of the disabled community are unable to actually commit to marriage, and especially sustain a marriage. However, when you watch this wedding – you are in for a big surprise.
Get out the tissues. This is a real heart breaker. No one would have ever thought that this young man and young woman would ever be able to live a normal life, let alone get married. However, not only did they get married – they had one of the happiest weddings that one could ever imagine. Watch the emotions flow from this super special couple as they enter into a fully Jewish life of marriage, overcoming their disabilities.
Live Life to the Fullest
There is so much to learn from this happy beginning story. We all have our difficulties and weaknesses in this world. We all need a crutch at one point or another in our lives. However, some people need support or a crutch to rely on 24/7 for their entire life. Those people who are special live life to the fullest with their limited understanding. We should learn from them to also live our lives to the absolute fullest.
This also applies to the golden age of life. A basic facet of life is to appreciate every aspect of the gift of life – even when one’s health is far from ideal. Sometimes we need an inspiring video like this to remind ourselves of how great are our gifts.