There are leaders of foreign countries who support Jews being killed by Arabs. It is astounding, yet truly not a surprise. Anti-Israel attitudes in some countries are the norm, while other countries are filled with more pro-Israel attitudes. These days, there is a strong pull to the extremes. While Argentina just elected one of the most pro-Israel leaders in its history, other countries have elected leaders who see Israel defending itself against Hamas as yet another example of the Israeli Goliath beating up on the poor so-called “Palestinians,” the David of our generation.
The power of the press, including members of the press who are not decidedly anti-Israel, yet repeat anti-Israel positions, should not be underestimated. Piers Morgan is one of many who simply cannot come to grips with the fact that Hamas is 100% responsible for everything in Gaza. Yes, Israel is dropping the bombs and going building to building to destroy terror tunnels. Yes, thousands of Arab terrorists have been killed, and thousands of Arab children have been killed in the war in Gaza. It is all the fault of Hamas – 100%.
It is exactly the same thing as the situation of non-militant Germans in World War II. American soldiers were not responsible for the hundreds of thousands of non-militant Germans who were killed during the war. It was Germans who attacked Belgium, France, England, Poland, Russia, and other countries that brought the destruction on the German population. It was not the British or US Air Force who were the problem. It is the German population that allowed for Hitler and his Nazi henchmen to take over and consolidate their power to become totalitarian leaders of Germany. They should have been stopped some time between 1935 and 1937 with crippling world sanctions and military build up around their borders.
But American isolationism, Russian collusion and British decisions to appease and not confront Germany led to World War II being the worst disaster in modern history. Anyone who speaks about America First must be asked what they think America should have done in 1935 when German aggression began to show the first signs of a massive military buildup. Anyone who espouses appeasement of terror groups like Hamas and their sponsor Iran, must be asked to explain how that has worked in the past in any situation. Most of all, anyone taking the side of rapists and child beheaders, like the Hamas movement, must be asked why they have a hard time understanding that Naziism is still alive and well in pockets of the Middle East.
The 21st century will not be any better than the 20th century if we don’t learn from mistakes of the 20th century. Idiots must be called out for what they are. The battle is indeed one between good and evil. And evil cannot be eradicated with a fixation on the non-militants who are the poor souls who were born into the families of terrorists. It’s a tough pill to swallow. But the alternative of being weak in confronting terror, appeasing terrrorists and giving into their demands is far worse.