Oct. 7th Has Changed Many Leftist Israelis

by Avi Abelow

As I wait to return home to the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. I recently heard a powerful statement by the grandson of one of the captives in Gaza.

His name is Dekel Lishitz and he was thanking the right wing settlers from Kiriyat Arba, and other settlers, for dropping everything and running down to fight the Hamas terrorists outside of Gaza on Oct. 7th.

He was praising the unity of the Jewish people.

You have to understand. Before Oct 7th, Dekel’s community hated settlers. His Grandfather is a Hard core far-left, who believed in peace with Gazans and used to drive Gazans to Israeli hospitals for medical treatment. The far left community always spread their hatred for their fellow Jewish settlers, like me, while loving our Arab Muslim enemies in Gaza.

Well, Oct 7th changed that for many leftists.

Now, many of them, have woken up to reality.

They see how U.S. settlers in Judea & Samaria are their brothers and sisters, and understand how the Arab Muslims in Gaza are their enemy

 . Dekel even called out to people stop believing the media that still use the dividends of pre Oct 7th. He said straight out that the headlines are disconnected.

It is nice to see fellow Jews waking up and realizing this truth. We are one. Our enemies kill us all because we are Jews. They don’t ask if we are religious, not religious, right wing wing, left wing, or where we live. They kill us all because we are all Jews.

Still sad that so many politicians and journalists are stuck pushing the divisive lies trying to to divide us.

Thankfully, most Israelis, like Dekel, have woken up to reality.

Am Yisrael chai!!

Praying for the safe and speedy return of Dekel’s grandfather and all of our captives still being held in Gaza.

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