The Modern Jewish Heroine Who is Carrying the Jewish People to Victory

by Leah Rosenberg

What this courageous Jewish Heroine says here after losing her husband in the Gaza war is mind-blowing. Wow.

The Jewish Heroine Who Has Inspired Jews Worldwide

There are just no words to describe the strength of Hadas Lowenstern. She is a righteous woman and a pillar of the Jewish people. People like her are bringing the final redemption closer. How can they not be? Her dedication to the Jewish nation, despite her tremendous loss, is remarkable. Her love and compassion. Her sense of purpose and connection. How can anyone hate the Jewish people when the Jewish people produce people like Hadas Lowenstern?

Do you see Hamas producing people like her? Everything she represents, Hamas is the opposite to the most vicious degree. How much clearer can it be that this is a war of good vs. evil? Israel represents the side of morals and values. They are fighting the world’s fight against the most immoral beings that exist in this world. Why isn’t that obvious to everyone? Wake up, world!

Is any sane person really going to see a video like this one and stand against the Jewish people? You have to be completely mad and insane to demonize a nation that this special woman is a part of. Hadas exemplifies the connection with G-d and His people that we should all strive to have. With this kind of belief in the One Above, we know we are on the right path, the path of the ultimate victory. Let’s pray we get there soon.

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