The Left Can’t Stand This About Israel

by Phil Schneider

What sets Israel apart from most Western countries? Many things. But perhaps the greatest difference is the growing birth rate. Nearly every Western country has a decreasing birth rate. Israel is in the range of 3 children per woman, and it is growing from year to year. Yoram Hazony, one of Israel’s greatest thinkers, explains clearly how this reflects much about the general mindset of a population. When there are increasing birth rates, that means that people are happy, hopeful, have a worthwhile mission in life, and want to share the happiness and mission with future generations. Can any Western country make that claim?

Just as in the time of Pharaoh during the time of the Bible, Israel’s oppressors are driven crazy by the fact that the more Israel endures terror, they just get bigger and bigger. The entire recent settlement movement is the direct continuation of the early pioneers who came and settled in the pre-State Land of Israel in the early 20th century. Then as now, there were anti-Jewish Arab attacks on the pioneers. Not only did most of the Jewish pioneers persevere. But more came and joined the movement to resettle the Land.

The most underrated response to terror is exactly that – doubling down on resettling the Land of Israel. If following every attack on Israelis a brand new settlement were to be set up by the Israeli government, the Arabs would see that they are just shooting themselves in the foot. That coupled with collective punishment of the town from where a terrorist came from is the key to stopping the seemingly endless wave of terror.

There are actually a few hundred young Israelis doing this today, but they are a small fringe who are not supported by the government. The people of Israel are strong – actually, much stronger than the government. But, the government understandably is very concerned about making waves with the foreign community. The State Department of the United States, except for the time when Mike Pompeo was at the helm, has almost always taken a strong anti-Israel stance. This goes back to the pre-State of Israel times in the 1940’s.

Of course Israel wants and needs US support. But, the support should not come at the expense of Israeli lives. When Israel stands up and confronts immoral US positions, they actually win greater support from the Israeli population. Israel needs leadership with a stronger backbone in order to properly deal with foreign pressure. A healthy and proud nationalism is deeply rooted in the State of Israel. It should be capitalized on as Israel goes forward and serves as a beacon of light for the entire world.

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