The Jewish People Have This Weapon That Hamas Will Never Have

by Leah Rosenberg

The Jewish people are one. They can overcome anything when they stand united. It’s heartwarming to see Jews filled with love for each other.

The Jewish People Are United

What do the Jewish people have that Hamas and the rest of Israel’s enemies don’t have? Well, they have many things. The Jewish nation is G-d’s chosen people. So He protects them and the land of Israel. That is obvious. But the secret weapon that may be less obvious is that the Jewish people are filled with love and unity. They are filled with a desire for life. Hamas most definitely is not filled with any of this. They are filled with hate and barbarism. They seek to murder and kill – even their own people. There is no such thing as love and unity amongst Israel’s enemies. There is only evil.

During this war, the tagline for the Jewish nation has become “B’yachad Nenatzeach” – “Together we will win.” All types of Jews have united – those who are secular, religious, Haredi, Hasidic, Tzioni, and any other label that we have put upon ourselves. Those from the Left, Right, and Center have chosen to unite for the sake of the people of Israel. They have chosen to put aside their differences to overcome the enemy.

Let’s hope and pray that this unity continues even after we, with G-d’s help, win this war. Let’s hope that this unity ushers in the era of Mashiach so that we will never know of such horror and pain ever again.

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