The Israeli Left is Furious This Speech Was Given Publicly

by Phil Schneider

Caroline Glick said it all in less than 5 minutes. The Supreme Court in Israel is not in any way a judicial entity that protects the democracy of Israel. It is the branch of Israeli politics that enables the more radical left wing side of the political aisle to stay in power even when the right wing wins a democratic elections.

Was the Supreme Court actually involved in kicking out more than 8,000 Jews from their homes in Gush Katif? Tzvi Hendel, a leader of the Jewish community in Gush Katif said it best when he said that the depth of the investigations into Ariel Sharon by Israel’s judiciary are intricately connected to the depth of the uprooting of Jews from their homes.

That conspiratorial statement means that Hendel argued that Sharon, Israel’s democratically elected Prime Minister, was actually unable to run the country because of the pressure from the Attorney General and Israel’s Supreme Court. Sharon was indeed a corrupt politician. Like LBJ, he spent most of his career in politics (and the Army), yet somehow amassed via his power, enough wealth to purchase a large ranch in the south. Sharon was Israel’s most wealthy Prime Minister. That skeleton in his closet turned into his weak point that Israel’s political left, led by the judiciary, utilized to pressure him into making political concessions to the Left.

Israel’s Judiciary has turned into a completely activist political player. It does not merely make left wing judgments. It plays an out-sized role in both encouraging and implementing political policies that endanger Israeli citizens and soldiers. That is why it must be revamped.

The right wing may have overreached in terms of thinking what could be done rapidly to change the status quo back to normalcy. Necessary yet major political shifts need to be done with prudence. Thirty years of judicial overreach cannot be undone overnight without provoking a massive backlash. But the changes do indeed have to be done. It will take a few years, not a few months.

1 comment

buddyboy May 4, 2023 - 6:23 pm

I and millions of people around the world fully agree with what was just said. Only the Jews in Israel can decide for Israel. The other nations who decide against are not friends but enemies of the State of Israel. Aam Yisrael Chai. Amen amen amen.

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