At the special Israel Memorial Day ceremony, there was not a dry eye in the crowd as they listened to this little girl talk about her father.
Terror Strikes at Home
Last July the Salomon family of the Neve Tzuf community in Samaria all gathered together for Sabbath. They came to celebrate the birth of a new grandson. They expected friends to come in and join the family celebration. So the Salomons opened the door when they heard a knock. But, it was not any friend at all. It was a terrorist who entered the home and murdered he grandfather of the family, Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter Chaya Salomon, 46, and son Elad Salomon, 36.
As the terrorist was in the midst of his stabbing spree, Elad’s wife managed to rush several small children to a nearby room upstairs and lock the door.
Elad fought with the terrorist and held him off long enough to save the rest of the family. They hid upstairs until a neighbor shot the terrorist and killed him.
Tova Salomon, 68, Yosef’s wife and the mother of the two other victims, was wounded in the attack. Elad, a computer technician, is survived by his wife, five children, his mother and three siblings.
Reut Salomon
Reut Salomon is one of Elad’s children who hid upstairs and survived the attack. She heard everything and she knows that all the family members who survived the attack owe their lives to her father. And she is still just a little girl.
She spoke to the Israeli people at a special national ceremony on last Memorial Day in Israel. She spoke directly to her father.
“I dream that you are standing there and I run to you and you hug me so so tight.” This basic need of every little girl, of every child, was suddenly taken away from her.
It is hard to listen to her emotional speech and not have a dry eye.